Sunday, November 14, 2010

BP9-Web 2.0 Tool is an excellent site for students and teachers to create class comic strips online. I like the tool since the comic strips may be e-mailed and as many scenes in the strip as needed may be created. The software does not have to be loaded because it is accessible from the Internet. is a user friendly tool that allows students to drag characters to the filmstrip, choose an emotion, add dialogue, print the comic strips and because it uses cartoons it is more non-biased so that communication on hard topics may flow free.

It can be animated too with voiceovers as I will show in my video that will follow this post. My students love to use online web tools they may be customized for their various uses, projects or entertainment since they do have a Leisure course in their curriculum.


  1. This is a great tool. I have been exploring it for my kids as well. Although I was not able to find your video. But your explanation was pretty good. I like the fact that it does not have to be uploaded as well, like comic strip. It seems to be a pretty easy tool to use and the animation is great. I just wish I could have seen your iMovie on the tool. It would be great if you could upload one to your blog for viewing. Anyway great tool and explanation.

  2. Hi,

    Thanks for letting me know you use the tool too so our classes may share comicx. Here is the link to the video: I used medium size so it appears cut since it is supposed to say "A 4 Keeton's Kids @ Keeton's Korner" Production...Comix Characters created by" I suppose I'll have to edit the picture and then re-render it but I am a bit stressed-out right now so I will do it for our classes later. I am still having trouble embedding and uploading things to my blog like the Garage Band Audio I used pieces of but wanted to share. I guess I will have to post it to one of my other websites and link it even though I keep trying to use the assigned program applications and tools. So maybe you still cannot see it with all my technology and other issues :( Let me know so we may be sure to share :)
