Monday, November 15, 2010


The link to this site is above but it is not clickable so it is in this link. It has video interviews on it published at TeacherTube. I like it because teachers have a place to share and freely teach. Before I found Full Sail's Media & Design Program it was the absolute best resource for my multi-modal learning and high-need, low to no support teaching environment. I am no longer at this school but I would like to create a podsite for my exceptional students as well.
Here is an example audio of the Respect Element of Character Education
  • What tools would you like to implement in your learning or work environment, but have never had the time to learn more about? Again, the tools that I would like to implement in my work environment are all the Mac Tools such as Garage Band, Comic Life, and others suited for my learners. 
  • I have district professional development courses in iMovie where we used Garage Band. My problems stem from me no longer having a Mac Lab or AP Computer Science Class so my skills never get used in classes without. Our Macs were stolen and now our Windows laptops too recently so I will have to gain most of my skills at home using freeware when possible since everything is gone when they lifted the computers. I have new technology at home that is not implementing my computer applications properly on my Mac and faulty tech codes so I have technology issues often. This makes personalized learning problematic all over for me. Comic Life comes in Windows versions so I would like to learn more about using it alternately, adding sound effects putting graphics of it in videos, podcasts and so forth and the rendering it to use it on computer systems in the district. Here is a screen-shot of my old podcast and link. GarageBand is excellent to use for podcasting so I will learn how to link and embed it on my blogs that are not in district since I know how to do it in district since I rendered such training to faculty on site and off.
  • The online comic that I used is so that students could make a  comic strip, audio, video and DVD of stories they would create on such topics as Character Education to hone their social skills. Here are the links to the two comic strips we connected. This is a great alternative to using video that is not allowed unless is for approved media events and for those who are not allowed to have picture or video since they have no signed authorization for release. It is online and easy for my students to use.

Here is my Final EMDT Project using an adaptation of the Comix Strip for the R&B, Rap, Blues, Country and multi-modal mix fun song my students penned. We do not have sound editors or a music studio in our class so the sound got static-ridden on the mix down. Audacity is free so it only lets you record one voice at a time without static feedback, it speeds past the track and the mic quality is poor since we have three very cheap microphone and headphone sets we have to share that we got from our department. 

The students thought it goes well with the cartoons since we all got all messed up and sometimes incapacitated when we were/are bullied. We had a lot of fun writing the script, role playing, singing our own character verses of the song along with the hook, "what is a bully?" We will experiment and see if we may get to use some online audio editors like Creaza because it is all online. We also want to do a collaborative project with the students in the Dallas Austin Music Studios in our district. There they will let us sing in the studio, mix audio with their Macs while we Explore The 8th Intelligence and Audio Engineering Careers.

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